在Panerai的傳奇故事中,與美洲盃頂級帆船賽的結緣是其中一的重要篇章。今年Panerai延續為意大利Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli帆船隊贊助商,推出多款 Submersible Luna Rossa新作,伴隨帆船隊從積極備戰一直到比賽衝線一刻。
Submersible GMT Luna Rossa Titanio PAM01507
PAM01507腕錶為Panerai首次革命性採用Super-LumiNova® X2夜光物料,塗覆 於時標及指針,置放於黑暗環境中180分鐘後所保持的光度比上一代夜光物料高10%。腕錶裝配P.900 / GMT24H自動機芯,具有3天動力儲存。GMT兩地時間顯示及24小時刻度是回歸品牌傳統,為要掌握不時時區時間的人士而設。防水深度高達50巴(約500米)。
Submersible Tourbillon GMT Luna Rossa
全新Submersible Tourbillon GMT Luna Rossa體驗版腕錶PAM01405全球限量20 枚,將於2024年7月美洲盃決賽期間發售。Panerai將邀請錶主於決賽期間前往巴塞隆拿,參與精心規劃的多項體驗活動,讓客人親身感受帆船賽的緊張刺激。其中的帆船賽事幕後直擊,是與Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli帆船隊互動交流的寶貴機會,讓客人近距離體驗這項知名競賽的激昂氣氛與團隊的運籌帷幄。PAM01405的核心為團隊耗時三年研發的P.2015 / T手動上鏈機械機芯,最突出的莫過於Panerai專利陀飛輪裝置,每30秒水平旋轉一圈。由於是垂直於平衡擺輪旋轉,所以能抵消地心引力對精準度的影響。
Submersible QuarantaQuattro Luna Rossa Ti-Ceramitech™ PAM01466 / PAM01543
今年Panerai於Submersible Luna Rossa新作中,最值得關注的定必為採用全新專利材質TiCeramitech™的PAM01466及PAM01543。經歷七年來的悉心鑽研和開發,此工序將鈦合金表面轉化為一層密集的陶瓷層,為錶款創造出別具一格且搶眼的藍色色調。此技術讓硬度顯着提高,完工的錶殼重量較精鋼少44%,但其斷裂韌性比傳統陶瓷高出十倍之多。腕錶採用P.900自動機芯,備有3日 動力儲存功能,同時具有停秒功能。錶圈的製作跟錶殼一樣出色。機械加工的鈦金屬經過陶瓷化工序,接着再經過精密的加工,讓底層的金屬露出,以不同的材質帶來視覺對比。防水深度高達50巴 (約 500 米),再次為Panerai奠定了里程碑。
Czech National Ballet in Hong Kong Arts Festival Kevin Ng
Nowadays Hong Kong seldom plays host to overseas ballet companies, except during the annual Hong Kong Arts Festival. Czech National Ballet is the only ballet company touring this year’s Festival. Its
Are Hong Kong migrants to UK returning home? Mark O'Neill
“She was a schoolteacher in Hong Kong and now works as a cashier in a supermarket in Britain. I think she and her husband would like to come back but it is a question of face. How would she explain
Collaboration to Transform Waste into Resources Dr. Winnie Tang
Over the past decade, the amount of waste produced by Hong Kong residents has remained high. According to government data, the per capita municipal solid waste disposal rate per day in Hong Kong
Is certainty a sin? Brian YS Wong
A few weeks back, I watched one of the most widely anticipated releases of 2024 – Conclave, a riveting political thriller directed by Edward Berger. Without giving too much away, I would settle for
Why Carpe Diem Brian YS Wong
“Carpe Diem” – we are told. To seize the day, is a moral prerogative. We must expend each and every hour, minute, and second with due care and caution, paying conscientious heed to the fact that our